How to Create A Sense of Urgency During A Crisis?
The global coronavirus pandemic, which is a truly unprecedented situation, is affecting our businesses, communities and the way we live. Creating a sense of urgency without alarming your employees is essential for a business during a crisis. Business managers should...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Salesforce CRM
How Will a CRM Grow and Scale My Business? CRM, short for customer relationship management, is referring to bridging the gap between your customers and your company. This can be done through CRM platforms, not only through numerous skills and tactics but...
Top Technology Trends that Will Impact The Market in 2020
This year is already shaping up to be a special one in terms of technological innovation, thanks to digitalisation, robotics, and artificial intelligence, which are gaining more and more ground. Here are our technology projections for 2020: The great return of...